Real-time ambulance dispatch system
- Redesigned the Gauteng ambulance dispatch process to ensure improved response times and accurate location data
- Introduced Android mobile devices to provide vehicle tracking data and a user interface for drivers
- Developed an SMS-based system to inform patients and healthcare facilities of arrival status
- Created an interactive training programme for operators and drivers using self-testing methods and master trainers
Faster response
15-30%Reduction in response times within first 2 weeks
Adoption rate
75%Adoption rate by shift leaders and ambulance crews
Total duration
2 weeksDesign, development and roll-out duration
- IoT
- Vehicle tracking
- Maps and navigation
Affordable 15-minute clinic
- Set up a completely automated walk-in clinic offering quick turnaround times and reasonable fees
- Utilises facial recognition to register patients
- Harnessed the power of AI to support vital signs assessments and other measurements
- Used advanced analytics to identify trends and associations
- Facial recognition
- AI
- Telehealth
- Advanced analytics
Customer satisfaction
9+Average customer satisfaction rating
New site launch
2weeksTime taken to launch brand-new site
Cashless fuel payments system
- Built a Computer Vision-powered system that automatically identifies petrol station customers via CCTV
- Integrated the system with fuel pumps to generate real-time data, such as fuel grade
- Generated insights into staff performance based on vehicle service times
- Identified trends and associations via sophisticated analysis of Big Data
Service times
90%Reduction in customer service times
Development time
4 weeksDevelopment time for the end-to-end solution
The platform is the first of its kind
- IoT
- Computer vision
- Big data
Intelligent advertising board
- Developed digital billboards to target specific consumers for mass personalisation campaigns
- Built a system to trigger ads based on make and model of vehicle passing by
- Used advanced image processing technology to identify vehicles
- Produced real-time analytics on vehicle make and model, total vehicle count and dwell time
- IoT
- Computer vision
- Cloud
- Machine learning
- Advanced analytics
1stThe tech is the first of its kind on the continent
Detection accuracy
90%+Accuracy in detecting vehicle manufacturers
Development time
6 weeksDevelopment time for the end-to-end solution
In - store digital assistant
- Developed Marc1 point-of-sale system to gain customers, increase basket size and reduce shrinkage
- Produced customisable platform with a long list of advanced features
- Focused Marc1 on decreasing reliance on retail staff to drive sales
- Gained support and won awards from the world’s leading tech companies
Decrease in cash losses
90%Average decrease in cash losses for clients
Increase in revenue
15%+Average revenue increase for clients
First solution to track shopper behaviour in real time
- IoT
- Cloud
- Machine learning
- Location analytics
- Big Data
Interactive HIV status reporting system
- Built a scalable, low-cost feedback channel capable of handling more than 30 000 users per month
- Incorporated automated SMS triggers, robo-calls, WhatsApp integration and conditional question workflows
- Generated real-time data analytics on user demographic status and survey results
- Obtained a 90% feedback reporting rate on all self-testing participants
- Advanced analytics
Development time
4weeksDevelopment time for the end-to-end solution
Outbound calls
3 millionNumber of outbound calls attainable using AWS and Twilio
Error rate
0%Error rate on calls and SMS’s
Township youth hackathon
- Built a simple tech solution to teach programming concepts to 100 Grade 11 township learners
- Configured computer kits for under $100 that learners could take home
- Hosted an interactive 2-day workshop to pique learner interest in tech skills and careers
- Compiled a training programme to enable learners to code and refine animation projects
Tech-related costs per learner
$100 -
Number of township-based Grade 11 learners impacted
100 -
Duration of programming workshop
2 days
- Raspberry PI
- Scratch